Championing opportunity and prosperity for all Americans.

I believe in the American dream. I believe it is attainable for anyone, no matter their circumstance or background. While most dreams by nature have a material aspect to them, what sets America apart is that our dreams are more focused on prosperity of the human spirit and thus human fulfillment. That is why even today people the world over still yearn to be free and come to America.

There is a movement dedicated to that ethos, but we will only succeed if we advocate and fight for this simple truth: the free-market system and America’s founding principles are the greatest forces for good ever created in the human sphere to improve the human condition, especially for the poor and disadvantaged. 


  • American Culture Project shines a light on the cloaked power of government unions dominating public policy, politics and culture in America today. 

  • Illinois Policy Institute is dedicated to making Illinois a bastion of free markets and prosperity shining across the Midwest.

  • Franklin News Foundation has quickly established itself as the nation's foremost reporting source for taxpayer-centric, straight-news coverage of local, state and national government policies.